[008]Introduction to Python Basics: List Methods 2
4 min readJun 27, 2020
Let’s explore other list methods in Python.
- Here, we can see that we can give index a value, a start and a stop. What does that mean?
- We get the index of 3 as the letter d position is located at index 3 in our memory.
- We can also do an optional parameter here. Here, we will look for the d from index 0 to index 2(before it).
- Why do we still get error? This is because the search stop right before the index of 3.
- We are only able to get the d position when we set the stop to 4.
Python Keywords:
- We may also use the Python keywords that is very useful in some manner.
- Here, we can see whether the letter is in the list basket or not. True for the one that exist and False for the one that doesn’t exist.
- The “in” keywords is also able to use in this way.
- We can count how many times an item occurred. Here, we can see that the result is one as the “d” only exist once in the list.
- If there is two letter “d”, then we get two as it count how many times is letter “d” in the basket list.
Let’s get what sort is going to do…
- Sort allow us to input two number which is key and reverse.
- We get none when we run like this since the sort return nothing.
- Here, we sort the list and print the sorted list out. We get a sorted list where d is move in front of e.
- If we add x at the beginning, then the x will be moved to the end of the list. The sort is used to sort the list when x is moved to the end and same goes for the other.
What about the Built In Functions Sorted()?
- The list is not sorted in this way of coding and why?
- I know that it’s confusing for having two kind of sort. We are able to get the sorted list when we print the sorted basket. The sorted produce a new array/list or what we called a copy of the list.
- As we can see that the basket hasn’t been modified and it still remain the same. On the other hand, sorted doesn’t modify the basket in place but it creates a new copy of basket and sorts it.
- Remember the list slicing where we make a copy of the original list. Here, we see that we get the same result with the print sorted basket.
- Instead of the list slicing, we can use the copy method and get the same result. This copy method copy the original list and yields a new copy/new list
- The reverse method reverses the basket list in place. It is not similar to the sort method/sorting and it’s simply switching all the indexes into opposite sides.
- We sort first and then reverse the list. Then, we will have the sorted reversed basket list.